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Corrosion Inhibitor
EVERCURE-RP9213 is a cold dip process, which prevents the components from Rusting.
1. Concentration : 5 Kgs of EVERCURE-RP9213 for every 100 ltrs of working volume.
2. Chemical Strength : 4 6 points
3. Immersion time : 1-5 Minutes
4. Temperature : Ambient
Bath make up
EVERCURE-RP9213 concentration can be determined can be determined more accurately by situation method.
END POINT: Colorless to Pink
No. Of. Ml of N/10 Potassium Permanganate required = points.
Clothing should be protected if there is any possibility of continuous or frequent splashing with the solution. Wash off any splashes on the skin at once with cold water. If the solution gets in the eyes, wash out with liberal quantities of water and obtain immediate medical attention.